Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Script For My CCR
Hello everyone, my name is Samantha Klopman and I am thrilled with the final result of my project. I chose to work on this project alone because once i have a vision on something i am passionate about, it is hard for me to compromise. Also, working alone allowed me to work at my own pace and not rely on the other person. I created a magazine and strategically chose to name it “ Blissful Bites”. When creating my magazine I had to come up with something I love to talk about, and the only thing i can talk about forever is FOOD, yes I know that sounds a bit immature, but I’m a foodie what can I say. Food magazines are common and i didn’t want to fall in the cliche of them, i needed to stand out. So I began to think about things that are usually not featured and how i can relate to the topic. Then one day I had an epiphany of what i want. my mother is the most hardworking woman in know, she takes care of me and my twin brother, is a 5 star wife, is a successful business woman, and also works to improve the community. My project wants to assist that chaotic working mom, who never has any time on her hands. ( show image on google images) she is trying to take care of the kids, make phone calls, attend to her husband, and cook. So i began to think: whats the most stressful part of a mothers day? I did some research and found that the morning is the most hectic. Therefore, i created the breakfast issue for my magazine,Blissful Bites. To give the working mom an easy way to get her body going. My goal was to feature all things you can eat on the go. Bite sized foods that will keep her satisfied until lunch time. This way, she does not have to worry about making time to sit down at her table, she can eat these delicious foods in the car, with no rush. When you look up on the internet “ delicious breakfast foods” the only meals that come up, are meals that require a fork and knife, and not assessable to the working moms busy schedule. I want to prove that on-the-go-foods are delicious and can save mothers so much time in the morning: which will lead to more time with assisting her family. ( show Pinterest) I used Pinterest so much through out this project, i found many different recipes here that accommodate the working mother. ( show recipes) My product engages with my target audience by using words such as Super fast, controlled kitchen, Simple and savory, and extra crispy in my cover lines which are BOLDED on my front cover. Moreover, as a whole, i chose to take a slightly more simplistic approach with the design of my magazine due to what would be enticing to the working mother. 1. they Don’t want to be digging through graphics and heavy amounts of text just to find a page number. ( show table of contents ). As you can see, i divided my table of contents in 3 clean cut columns, with titles at the top of each. This way everything is perfectly set up, and easy to pick out what you may want. ( show two page spread) i chose to go graphic heavy on one page and text heavy on the other, i feel that when graphics and text mix, it causes confusion to the reader, and i wanted to avoid that. Especially because my target typically does not have much time on her hands, i wanted to make her everything fast to understand. My magazine will be distributed both print and online. i want it to be sold at grocery stores, and big box stores such as target and wall mart, because many moms tend to shop there. It would be sold online because in todays society technology is extremely popular. I would also create a Blissful Bites app that would be available for download on I tunes and google Play. This project definitely caused me to grow as far my production skills. I became more efficient with my time, i created schedules and had deadlines i had to meet in order to get this project done on time. My skills with technology also grew. I had t become familiar with my tools available to me on my MacBook. I used the software provided to me on my computer. I found that online sources limited me to many things and did not allow me to fulfill my vision. For example, Joomag is a magazine creating website that was recommended by many. Personally, i hated it because you had to chose a pre made template. Because i had drawn my sketches for my HOMEMADE design, compromising to something was not an opinion for me. ( SHOW HOW I EIDTED PHOTS)
i used the internet for research, i created my magazine on pages, it allowed me to have full control, my ideas truly came to life.
Thats it everyone, thank you so much for watching my CCR and i hope you enjoyed the final product of Blissful Bites as much as I did.
Friday, April 7, 2017
The long awaited front cover
As soon as I got home from school I had one mission in mind, TO TAKE THE PHOTO FOR MY FRONT COVER. I had three pieces of criteria that I needed to meet:
My house has become a photo studio, and I LOVE IT. I took many different photos from a from two different angles. Here they are:
- Bright colors
- 3D
- Easily capture the theme of breakfast
My family is OBSESSED with breakfast food so I opened my fridge and had a variety of items to chose from. The eggs, peppers, and tomatoes were screaming my name, and thats when my creative juices started flowing. I cracked the egg in the pepper, cooked it, and arranged perfectly sliced tomatoes around the perimeter.
My house has become a photo studio, and I LOVE IT. I took many different photos from a from two different angles. Here they are:
I decided to go with the first one because it is more visually pleasing and will look better on a page that is vertical. I once again edited it with the tools available to me on my Mac. I cropped everything, I drew a line around the boarder of the tomatoes and peppers so I didn't have an excess white space.
HOW PRETTY? It met all my criteria and I am currently crying tears of joy ( I promise that is not an exaggeration.) Below is an image of my FINISHED front cover.
In pages there is a setting where you can have the image form a reflection, so as you can see I took full advantage of that. I AM FINALLY DONE with the creative part. Now it is time to put this same level of energy and effort into my CCR.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Two Page Spread Completed
After much hard work and dedication, I finally completed something that I am so proud of.

My two page spread turned out exactly like my sketch, my vision truly came to life. I explained all the elements in my previous post, so check that out so you can understand my thought process and the meaning behind every single detail.
I have decided to make the background color of the second page a pale yellow, to match the undertone of the wood. You will see that in my final project because right now I keep adjusting to get the perfect color.

My two page spread turned out exactly like my sketch, my vision truly came to life. I explained all the elements in my previous post, so check that out so you can understand my thought process and the meaning behind every single detail.
I have decided to make the background color of the second page a pale yellow, to match the undertone of the wood. You will see that in my final project because right now I keep adjusting to get the perfect color.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
So I was recently on Pinterest and got inspired for the 10000th time. I completely changed my plan for my two page spread.
I found this this was a realistic layout for something I can create. This more modern and straight to the point in comparison to my original sketch, which is perfect for my target audience. I thought this layout was intriguing, one page was all graphics and the next page was text. Here is my new sketch for my two page spread.
4. The background of the page will be wood to resemble a cutting board.
5. The title will be in the color black and in the font Bradley Hand which is available to me on pages.
"Pinterest." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Apr. 2017.
I found this this was a realistic layout for something I can create. This more modern and straight to the point in comparison to my original sketch, which is perfect for my target audience. I thought this layout was intriguing, one page was all graphics and the next page was text. Here is my new sketch for my two page spread.
Now allow me to explain EVERYTHING!
1. On the first page, each ingredient will individually be placed just like the mushrooms in the image I found on Pinterest. I love how the ingredients are separate, in my opinion it gives depth and added detail to the page itself. The little 'I' on the circles in my sketch represent the ingredients.
2. The bigger circles will be the ingredients MIXED in gradual stages.
- Mixture of all liquids
- Mixture
+ plus bread
This will help make the directions on the next page come to life.
3. Then the largest image on the page will be the muffins still in the tin after they had been baked.
4. The background of the page will be wood to resemble a cutting board.
5. The title will be in the color black and in the font Bradley Hand which is available to me on pages.
1. I want to add a story to my two page spread because after all this is a magazine. So I interviewed my moms friend, and asked her questions about on the go foods and how the recipe has benefited her.
2. The background of my page will be white because I do not want it to distract from the large quantity of text. This will also appeal to my target audience, the more simple the better.
3. Under the story, I'm putting directions to the recipe so the reader is able to make it just by owning the magazine.
4. A list of ingredients, which will be complimented by the images on the previous page.
5. I will also add a tip which I think is a cute added feature to the page.
6. The font will all be in NoteWorthy
7. Titles will be in brown to work well with the mixture of brown shades on my graphic heavy page
8. Actual text/content will be in black
Source Cited:"Pinterest." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Apr. 2017.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Technical Difficulties
This has honestly been the most stressful week of my life. I encountered major technical difficulties surrounding the files in which my project was saved. Long story short, I had to re-do my front cover and table of contents. I used the exact same design, but replicated it onto a new document. I am such a perfectionist, so you can just imagine how long I was playing with all the text boxes until I was satisfied with the results. My front cover came out identical to the first time I made it, but the table of contents I struggled with.
As you can see above, the lines are not perfectly lined up, which honestly really annoys me. When it comes to these types of things I have such OCD, and it prevents me from progressing with the project. It is actually impossible to align all the columns due to the standard size set to each text box in Pages on my MacBook. I understand that I'm sounding like it is the end of the world, but it’s just that this project means so much to me and I want it to live up to the high standard I set for myself.
Just to reiterate why my table of contents is simplistic: my target audience. It is the working mom, she doesn't have time to be searching through graphics just to find the page number of a story that may appeal to her. I separated my table of contents into three, clean cut columns so the reader can easily find what she is looking for without the hassle.
Well, now that I got those issues resolved, I need to complete my two page spread. Get ready for a masterpiece :)
Friday, March 31, 2017
It's Editing Time
I absolutely love editing photos, in my opinion this is the time where the photos really come to life. I am obsessed with using the tools available to me on my MacBook, it is the same tools I used to edit the donuts for my table of contents. It allows me to create a masterpiece and it will definitely be useful for future products in this class and others where I need to take photographs.
In my photographs, I wanted to capture things that are the same color or in the same color family in one shot. If you take a look at my previous blog post you can see all the photos pre-editing. So the one below is an image of all the brown ingredients.
The edits I made are:
- Increased the exposure to make everything brighter
- Increased the contrast to balance out the exposure increase
- Removed all the highlights because it gave the photo a weird yellow undertone
- Decreased the shadows to prevent the shot from being to dark
- Cropped it into a circular shape
Below is the white ingredients + the cracked eggs. I included the eggs with the white ingredients because there were way more brown ingredients than white so I had to try and balance it out.
The edits I made are:
- Slight increase in exposure because this photo was already bright to begin with
- Decreased contrast because the photo was already bright
- The smallest bit of highlight, the yellow highlight complimented the yellow yolks
- increased shadows to add depth to the whiteness of the ingredients
- Cropped into circular shape
Here are photos of the mixed ingredients:
- Increase in exposure because photo was dull
- Increase in contrast to balance out the exposure
- Remove highlight
- Remove shadow
- Crop into rectangular shape to eliminate excess background
- Increase in exposure because photo had an ugly undertone
- Did not change contrast
- Remove highlight because it made it look more appetizing
- Remove shadow because it made it look more appetizing
- Crop into a cleaner rectangular shape
French toast cups pre oven :
- Increase in exposure to brighten the image up also to show more detail
- Slight decrease in contrast to even out the exposure
- Add highlight to help show color of bread
- Increase shadow to make the color of the pan pop!
- Crop into cleaner rectangular shape
French Toast cups post oven :
- Slight increase in expose to make it look visually pleasing
- Increase in contrast to make bread look crispy
- Add highlight to show to perfect baking job I achieved ;)
- Remove shadow
- Crop into cleaner rectangular shape
French toast cups out of pan with syrup:
- Increase in expose to make the food look more appetizing
- Increase in contrast to show depth of colors
- Add highlight to make photo look more professional
- Increase shadow to balance out exposure
- Crop into cleaner rectangular shape
WOO so that's all my photos, stay tuned for the finished product of my two page spread!
Thursday, March 30, 2017
More facts
Throughout the entire journey to Blissful Bites, I wanted each of my decisions to revolve around my target audience. Now, to go back to the the mindset that simplicity is better, I found this article that helped verify my thought process. It gives reasons how simple designs are timeless, to elaborate, it makes these powerful points:
Source cited:
"Beauty in Simplicity: Why Good Design Is Timeless." Fresh Consulting. N.p., 30 Dec. 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2017.
- fewer distractions
- information is clear
The working mother likes when things are made easier, and that is something I will value throughout the duration of my project.
"Simple design is popular because simplicity looks mind-blowingly good"
Source cited:
"Beauty in Simplicity: Why Good Design Is Timeless." Fresh Consulting. N.p., 30 Dec. 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2017.
THIS IS PAGE 2 OF MY MAGAZINE, it is going side by side with my table of contents. It is used to promote my two page spread. I kept it vibrant and simple because those are conventions of a food magazine. Stay tuned guys, Blissful bites is getting even better.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Its Picture Time
As soon as I got home from school I wanted to begin baking because I bought all the ingredients yesterday. So, I got home, changed into clothes I can get dirty, and began baking. During the baking process, I needed to capture many different photographs to use in my two page spread. I wanted the background of all the photos to be white, like I said in an earlier post, because the color of the two page spread itself is going to be tin, to resemble the muffin pan. In order to maintain a white background, I set up a little " shooting set" as shown below
I taped a white towel to my cabinet and laid one down one the counter top. This way that when I took a photo at any angle it would always have a white background.
Here are the photos I took of the ingredients. Keep in mind I haven't edited them yet.
As you can see, I need to play with the brightness and level of clarity. I am also thinking about cropping the photos into circular shapes, because I want all the ingredients to work together in the spread, even through they are taken in different shots.
I also took photos of the mixed ingredients and the French toast cups pre and post baked. Here they are :
Im super excited to edit the photos exactly how I want them and I'm so pumped to lay everything out ( see sketch in earlier post ).
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Two page spread! Gathering the ingredients + Inspiration
Today, I began to really focus on my two page spread. I went to the grocery store and picked up all the ingredients necessary for the French toast cups. Just to refresh your memory, in an earlier post I talked about why I picked the French toast cups to feature on my two page spread, it is because it's a beloved breakfast delicacy that can also accommodate the working mom. C'mon, lets say goodbye to all the forks and knifes and say hello to on-the-go bite size FINGER FOODS.
While I was at the grocery store, I couldn't help but notice that the vast majority of people in the store were women with kids. This inspired me even more and made me more motivated to make a magazine that can help take a load off their shoulders and gives the moms a way to focus on themselves.
Just a little story so you can understand me a little more: my mom is the most amazing person you can ever meet, seeing her balance 100 things at once made me realize that being a mom is a full time job. I asked my mom at the start of this project "What is one meal that you never had time for when I was young?" my mom answered " Breakfast, without a doubt. I was always rushing out the door and didn't have time to sit down and have a meal." This made it clear that I needed to do a breakfast edition for my Blissful Bites magazine.
Stay tuned my fellow foodies for the delicious pictures I will take while making the French toast cups :)
While I was at the grocery store, I couldn't help but notice that the vast majority of people in the store were women with kids. This inspired me even more and made me more motivated to make a magazine that can help take a load off their shoulders and gives the moms a way to focus on themselves.
Just a little story so you can understand me a little more: my mom is the most amazing person you can ever meet, seeing her balance 100 things at once made me realize that being a mom is a full time job. I asked my mom at the start of this project "What is one meal that you never had time for when I was young?" my mom answered " Breakfast, without a doubt. I was always rushing out the door and didn't have time to sit down and have a meal." This made it clear that I needed to do a breakfast edition for my Blissful Bites magazine.
Stay tuned my fellow foodies for the delicious pictures I will take while making the French toast cups :)
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Table of Contents Is Complete
I have been working on my table of contents for literally four hours. My family thought I was insane working on the same page for that long, but they don't understand how much I care about this project. I promised myself at the start of this, that I would not stop until everything is absolutely perfect in my eyes, and thus far I have maintained that mindset. Moreover, today was the day that I completed my table of contents and here is the final product:
As you guys can tell, this is completely different than the sketch I posted. When I started laying everything out with my original idea the first thing that came to my mind was how cluttered everything appeared. The working mother doesn't have time to dig through a bunch of graphics just to find a story she wants to read, therefore I had to improvise.
( Disregard the little plus signs, they are just there because I minimized the page so I could take a snapshot to post here on my outlet) This image looks extremely large, but I wanted you guys to be able to clearly read the titles of the stories and view the graphics without squinting. Okay, so just to refresh your memories, I wanted to make my table of contents pretty simple for the most part because my target audience is the working mom; she has a million responsibilities on her plate, so I wanted to make the table of contents quick and to the point. Therefore, I did not focus that much on graphics. I focused on the actual content. To elaborate, I made the page number bolded followed by a short 3-10 word description of the story featured. I chose donut holes because they are bite size and they go with the theme of my magazine perfectly ( breakfast, bite size, and on the go). I also thought donuts could be really cute and would assist in bringing a bit of color to simple red and black color scheme. The three column in my opinion is visually pleasing, and I chose to place the rainbow donut in the center because it will draw the reader in.
Summary: Overall, I am more than pleased with the result. I am happy that I changed from my original sketch to this layout because it will appeal more to my target audience.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Table of Contents photos: pre and post editing
I photographed for my table of contents today and I finished editing everything. As you saw in my sketch, I wanted the images to be of donut holes because they fit perfectly with my theme. I took a ride to Dunkin' Donuts and asked the lady for 10 munchkins. Here is a photo of all the little donuts before I began taking pictures of them:
In no particular order, I photographed each donut hole. I know that lighting is an essential part in photography, it can make or break a picture. I have these adjustable lights in my kitchen under the cabinets, so I used them to my advantage.
That is basically what I used in order to get the perfect amount of lighting with the goal of making the donuts appear as appetizing as possible.
As you can see, the photos are a dull around the donut so in order to Mae everything a bit lighter and more crisp, I used the tools available to me on my Mac.
For all of the images above I:
- Increased the exposure tremendously. This allows everything to become brighter and more visually appealing
- Increased the contrast a little to balance out the increase in exposure
- Increased the sharpness to make everything appear more HD
I also cropped all the photos into the circular from that the donuts are to make everything appear more realistic. All in all, I'm happy with the result and can't wait to input them into my Table of contents.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Pages > JooMag
Quick update before I show you guys my unfinished masterpiece. I went to Joomag because it was highly recommended to me by people who took Aice Media Studies last year. Turns out, on Joomag you can't create you own layout, you have to choose an already existing template. This did not go over well with me because I had already created my layouts and was so set on doing them that I wasn't willing to sacrifice certain things just to get them on a template. Therefore, I am not going to be creating Blissful Bites on Joomag. I would rate Joomag 5/10; it is made for people who don't already have a vision in mind. I would recommend it to people who may not be that creative because it gives those a huge helping hand. Moreover, all the user has to do is plug in their information and everything else is already set up.
I will be creating my magazine on Pages, you can literally do whatever you want as far as design/layout goes. Yes, there are a couple templates available on Pages, but I chose "BLANK" because I wanted full freedom to design it how I want. So last night I finished with my front cover (all the elements of my front cover as far as font and colors, were discussed in a previous post) and I'm so happy with the outcome.
TA DAAA! There it is, my front cover that I'm so happy about. It is exactly how my sketch was, I'm so thankful for the versatility that Pages gives to the user. The only thing I need to insert now is my photo. As you guys saw in my last post, I'm in the editing process with my images. I want to make sure it is perfect and front cover worthy. The final product of my front cover and table of contents will be posted this week.
I will be creating my magazine on Pages, you can literally do whatever you want as far as design/layout goes. Yes, there are a couple templates available on Pages, but I chose "BLANK" because I wanted full freedom to design it how I want. So last night I finished with my front cover (all the elements of my front cover as far as font and colors, were discussed in a previous post) and I'm so happy with the outcome.
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